
What we do

Through a feminist pedagogy shaped by principles of co-creation, collaboration, care, and critique, we create learners who are able to engage with the notion of digital technology thoughtfully and through a range of different modalities, by thinking through its possibilities through a nuanced understanding of its materialities. 

Why did we start The Digital Everyday?

  • While digital technologies are ubiquitous, our capacity to articulate our relationships with them often remains limited. More often than not, the discourse around digital technologies is framed by those who have the power to imagine, shape, engineer, and inform the intention, logic and destination of these technologies.
  • Digital Technologies are thus presented simultaneously as opaque and transparent: they are opaque because beneath the screens, surfaces, and interfaces, the complex mechanisms of decision making, data gathering, identity shaping, and organisation remain hidden, controlled by invisible actors. They are transparent because they are presented as neutral, as habits, as naturalized modes of practice that help facilitate tasks, lurking in the background while constantly nudging and shaping our everyday lives.
  • In this course, learners will be trained in a critical vocabulary to decipher the materiality of these technologies and transform their understanding of what the “digital” encompasses and stands for. Participants feel encouraged to create new imaginations of and for the digital, moving it away from definitions determined by the world of corporate technology to one that privileges social justice and meaningful structural change, for example, in creating a feminist internet.

How should I expect to grow by the end of this course?

The Digital Everyday offers five learning outcomes that are connected to each other. You will:

  • Be oriented towards a critical feminist stand-point in looking at the ways by which digital technologies and bodies are intertwined to create new pathways to social justice
  • Learn how to re-centre the body in the digital, based on your lived experiences
  • Understand and unpack the backend of digital technologies
  • Create a new vocabulary of The Digital Everyday
  • Learn from multiple stakeholders working on bodies, technologies, and social justice